The International School of Kuwait references the i-cubed empowerment model™ to engender a culture of learning. If you have been following the progression of our website, you may well understand by this time that all subjects at the International School of Kuwait are given equal teaching and learning time. The belief is if we are truly creating the quintessential Renaissance Student, we must provide him or her with all of the relevant areas in order to develop them holistically. For many students this will be a welcome relief, as Physical Education and Sports historically have not been held in the same regard as perhaps the more traditional Language, Mathematics and Sciences, well that has changed at ISK with the Curriculum X Focus.
It is not only a library but rather as the name suggests a center that provides resources for learning. The LRC has volumes of books to be borrowed from but also has an extensive reference section for students to undertake in-depth and independent inquiry. The reference section can be accessed both through hard copies and an extensive electronic database called Ebscohost. Teachers and students are encouraged to use this beautiful space to collaborate and conduct meaningful research in areas of interest to them.
This creative space is led by a dedicated Head of the Learning Resource Center, who is supported by a Qualified Teacher Librarian and a Learning Resources Center Associate. The space provides a wide range of services supporting all subject domains in addition to quiet study spaces, media production, visualisation and the loaning of technological resources, Well-being PODs and a Common Room that boast a mini stage and screen for viewing of literary and dramatic works and presentations.
For many students, the importance and relevance of Science and Mathematics are questionable, but yet they are such an integral part of helping understand phenomena both in terms of life and physical sciences. Without innovation and the development of these subjects life as we know it would not exist.
A balanced diet also has a direct impact on performance of children at school therefore ISK has partnered with a Qualified Dietitian who works with the Senior Leadership Team including the Head of Catering and Food Services to provide nutritious meals. The menus are representative of both the local and international context of the School.
The ISK School day is longer than the average international school day due to the expansive curricular offer, which is filled with learning, concentration and physical activity. Food is the fuel for our bodies and healthy food provides children with energy and nutrients to get them through their day. Parents, students and faculty and staff are provided with the education, as to what constitutes a healthy and well-balanced meal, so that students can make informed choices when presented with the options.
Students have the opportunity to develop their artistics skills and talents and to also study private lessons. The Academy of the Arts is part of a student’s daily routine and students have to treat this particular subject domain as they would any other. Students are given the opportunity to showcase their talents through recitals, performances, installations and exhibitions, which are held throughout the academic year at the School. The School boasts a purpose built auditorium, concert rehearsal room with adjacent sound-proof practice rooms to state of the art artistic studios where students can paint, draw and engage with mixed media such as 3-D printing and also pottery and even create artistic food creations that will be sure to please the palate.